25 Yd service match

The 25 yards Service Pistol event for calbres from ·32 to ·38/·357 pistols consists of 65 shots fired at distances varying from 25 to 7 yards. Ammunition is stored and loaded from the pocket by hand in each series. The equipment required is minimal. A revolver with a 4 inch barrel or a semi-auto with a 5 inch barrel and some ammo is all you need. This match is not shot from the holster, normally the ready position is with the gun loaded, held in two hands at 45 degrees.

25 shots@ 25 yards (210 seconds)

5 shots prone on target 5
5 shots sitting on target 4
5 shots kneeling on target 3
5 shots right side of barricade on target 2
5 shots left side of barricade on target 1

15 shots @ 25 yards

3 shots on target 1 & 2 shots on target 2 in 6 seconds.
1 shot on target 2, 2 shots on target 3, 2 shots on target 4 in 6 seconds.
5 shots on target 5, one shot in 3 seconds, repeated 5 times.

15 shots @ 10 yards

5 shots on target 5 in 4 seconds
5 shots with the weak hand on target 4 in 6 seconds
3 shots on target 1, 2 shots on target 2 in 4 seconds.

10 shots @ 7 yards

5 shots on each of targets 1&2 in 25 seconds, with the gun held below shoulder height.

The 25 metre Rapid Fire targets are used for this event and set in a bank of five targets per shooter

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Match Types
Shooting Ranges

Yarra Pistol Club 2025. Copyright.